Julia McGarey
Parent Coach
I help parents of highly sensitive, gifted, and neurodiverse children find their parenting groove.Whether you're struggling to get through the day to day without major meltdowns, you're trying to figure out how to support your child at school, you've tried everything and none of it has worked, or you recognize that your reactions are a big piece of the puzzle that need to be addressed, I'm here to help.I hold a Master's degree in Human Development and Education from CU Denver, and I am a certified Leading Edge parent coach. Additionally, I bring years of my own experience as a highly sensitive person, educator, and parent to this work, and I'm committed to helping you create changes in your life that stretch your idea of what's possible for you and your family.

© Cayce Pollard. All rights reserved.

Life has changed a lot since we were kids.It makes sense that parenting should be changing right along with it.But even the most committed parents struggle sometimes, especially when they realize that their child is sensitive to correction, feels things deeply, moves on their own timeline, and simply does not thrive when standard parenting practices are applied.Whether you are dealing with daily meltdowns, a sudden change in behavior, or things are going okay but in an ideal world could be better, coaching together can make a difference.I help parents understand and unravel their reactions to their children, build strategies that work for their unique child, and process all the emotions that come up along the way.And the best part is that when you do this work, you are able to pass it on to your children. You have the potential to create change that impacts generations.Want to see if I can help you?The first step is to schedule a one-hour consultation call.We will use this time to figure out where you are and where you want to go, and then decide whether coaching together is the best next step for you.
Sometimes you just want to ask a question before you dive in. You can do that here.
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So you say you're feeling overwhelmed by this whole parenting thing? Your child is intense, strong-willed, has big emotions, and you are just hanging on? Or maybe they are slow to warm up and getting them to do anything new feels like a struggle...Wherever you are, it can feel isolating when everyone around you seems to have it so easy. And they're so full of advice, but it just doesn't work for your child.Welcome, friend.The Lifeline is my weekly-ish email for parents just like you.You are not alone, and you don't have to grit your teeth and just get through it.You can change the dynamic within your family. You can reclaim your life. One day at a time. One email at a time.I can't wait for you to join us.
This is my personal, reflective, creative substack. Inspired by The Witch of Blackbird Pond, I strive to live simply and lead by example. I write about parenting, neurodiversity, and whatever strikes my fancy: horses, archery, sea glass, poetry, literature, environmentalism... it depends on the day.
The PATH Process
The PATH Process is a method developed by Partnered Path Parenting to help transform everyday parenting challenges into opportunities to support your child's development, all while reducing power struggles and yelling. This eGuide provides an introduction to the PATH Process, plus simple suggestions for integrating the PATH Process into the way you respond to your child.
I work with my clients for six months (24 weekly calls) at a time. I offer a tiered pricing scale to make these services available to as many parents as possible.Please identify the tier that is the best fit for you based on the following criteria. I trust you to be honest in your reflection and select the highest tier you are able to so that the lower tiers remain available for those who truly need them.Level 1: Pay What You Are Able* I am a student, unemployed/underemployed, or live in a country with an unfavorable exchange rate with the United States.
* I frequently stress about meet meeting basic needs for myself and my family.
* I have very little or no savings.
* I have very little or no expendable income.
* I cannot go on vacation or take time off without creating financial strain for myself/my family.Level 2: $1800 ($300/month)* I am employed/self-employed.
* I sometimes feel stressed about covering my family’s basic needs, but I’m always able to figure it out.
* I have limited savings.
* I have limited expendable income.
* I have to actively save to take a vacation.Level 3: $3900 ($650/month)* I am employed/self-employed.
* I do not feel stressed about covering my family’s basic needs.
* I have access to savings.
* I have expendable income – I am able to spend money at restaurants and stores without thinking about it.
* I can take an annual vacation without creating financial strain for myself/my family.Level 4: $6000 ($1000/month)* I am employed, self-employed, or do not need to work to meet my needs.
* I do not feel stressed about covering my family’s basic needs or investing in extra-curricular activities and education for my children.
* I have a comfortable amount of financial savings.
* I have a comfortable amount of expendable income.
* I can afford to take a vacation whenever I want to.